GASP studio: DePtH
GASP studio: DePtH
Get your game controller! I bet you won’t resist this game.

With a great supporting system of Professors and teachers assistants (TA), enough resources such as game and computer Labs, and full access to Adobe Creative Cloud, Abilene Christian University creates a perfect environment for those who want to take their dreams to experience an in-depth the game realm.
As freshman year started a lot has been going on in the introductory course for Computer Science and Digital Entertainment students. Students have been working on their projects. Among them, GASP Studios is composed of talented students: Daniel Castleberry, Austin Beard, Nick McCain, and Cynthia Kamikazi, who built their first game called “DEPTH”. They applied skills from different classes, and incorporated Unity software, pixel art, and Photoshop to make sure the user gained the amount of enjoyment and humor from the game scene as they had as they were building it. Drawing from subnautica and similar console games, DEPTH is set on planet earth where the player (Hunkster) starts the quest of finding the cure for humankind which has been pushed to the verge of destruction due to an infectious disease. Hunkster needs to fight multiple villains in order to get equipment that will help him to reach the depth of the ocean in order to get the cure from the enormous final boss, “Squidster The Quickster” and find the outlet to go back to the land from him.

This game is suitable for all kinds of audiences and easy to comprehend with well-designed levels and instruction set in each level. With this game, much is expected because as one dives deeper goose bumps become the new blanket, and one can not cease but complete the quest. Furthermore, this game enhances players’ creativity and critical thinking as one learns to play it without even forgetting boosting the cognitive part and problem-solving skills. Also, it creates a sense of humor as it is easy to relate to the Hunkster’s quest.