DET Awards 2020: Pandemic Edition
DET Awards 2020: Pandemic Edition
The DET Awards is an annual event hosted by the DET club here at ACU. The ceremony consists of recognizing the talented students that are obtaining a degree in Digital Entertainment Technology primarily but the competition is open to all the creative majors that we have on campus. The DET Awards are usually hosted by the end of the semester in the Spring. This year’s ceremony was a little different.
In the midst of the Pandemic, the DET Club officers still wanted to make the DET awards possible, and after going online this became a task of its own. After much preparation, the DET Awards submission went live and the DET club made a call to all artists on our campus to submit their artwork to the different Categories they had set in place.

As you can see The DET Awards we’re not only focused on one area but had various categories for all kinds of artists. The Winners of the categories were decided by a Panel of Judges integrated by Doctor Brian Burton and Professor Rich Tanner.
In the midst of everything, As an organization and program we still wanted to recognize the students that won this categories. This is why we decided to host the event virtually through Discord! All the categories were announced and celebrated by the members of our community!
These are our DET Awards 2020 Winners per category:
As a community we are extremely proud of all the accomplishments and hard work of our students. After a series of challenges and the craziest semester ever we are all still artist and it’s important to recognize and celebrate each others accomplishments.
Each student received a sticker with the category they won:

Listed below check out some of the winner submissions:
Enjoy the amazing art By amazing student artist !
2D Art: Camila Rodrigues

3D Model: Will Stanley

Animation: Jael Morel & Camila Rodrigues
Vignette: Camila Rodrigues

Texture: Jael Morel

Film: Katie Pantoja

VR Game:
Ethics Court
Jael Morel, Alison Meador, Troy Adams, Andrew Thomas, Cameron Wallace, Will Gibbs, Brady Cox, Diego Sanchez, Lucas Newton, Isaiah Barrera